Mango Dreams

What is this Mango Dreams?

Mango Dreams is a magazine created by PCVs for PCVs. The articles, art works, pictures, commentaries, quotes, jokes, poetry, editing, and magazine layout are all submitted and whipped up by PCVs (and sometimes RPCVs and staff) in Cambodia. This magazine is a creative outlet for PCVs and gives us fresh perspectives on our experiences living the Peace Corps life in Cambodia.

Why Submit?

Because we want to hear your stories! PCVs have one of the most unique day-to-day experiences of any American, and this is your chance to express your service in a creative way. PCVs are spread out all over Cambodia and this magazine is a way to keep our PC Cambodia family close (and laughing!).

Where do we submit?

We’re looking forward to adding K9 submissions into the upcoming Mango Dreams publications. Feel free to submit your photos, articles, funny experiences, quotes, texts, ANYTHING to Mango Dreams at whenever you feel your creative juices flowing.

When is the magazine published?

Magazines are published about every 3 months (March, June, September, and December). We send out an email asking PCVs to send us submissions about a month before publishing the new magazine. Once all the submissions are in, the editing, organizing, and layout designing begins. Afterwards, the magazine is delivered conveniently right to your email inbox! You can enjoy your magazine with your café tuk da gow and bai saach cjeruk. No better way to start a day of service off right!

I want to be on the Dream Team!

If you have experience with editing, Adobe InDesign, journalism, and/or have exceptional creative vision, you should consider applying! We will be in touch in the (not-so-far-off) future with our K10 recruitment pitch and more information on how to be part of the Team. In the meantime, start submitting to the magazine now!